Comments for Relatively Random Sat, 02 Jan 2016 22:02:01 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Thirty Five Reasons to Hike the Catskills by Betty George Sat, 12 Sep 2015 14:09:00 +0000 Another blessing from the Deats Family! Thank you, Craig, for continuing and sharing the wonderful gift of making words come alive that God has given to the Deats boys. From your grandfather and grandmother on down your family has inspired me, made me laugh, made me cry, and encouraged me to enjoy all that God has created and to reflect His glory in my life. You are carrying on the legacy beautifully. Betty George

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Vicki Dubuque Fri, 03 Apr 2015 13:49:28 +0000 Craig,what a lovely tribute to your Uncle Doug!! I remember him well,he used to come into 4 stars for his Coffee & Paper every morning!!! While he was sitting @ the counter reading the paper,he would occasionally make a comment about something he had just read!!! Usually Very Funny!!!! He always made the morning very bright!!! I also seem to remember when we were teenagers that he may have spoken @ one of the fall campfires our youth groups would have in Maplecrest,and it was not boring!!! If I have him confused with someone else I’m sorry!! I just hope my memory is not faulty!!! I’m sorry for the loss you & your family has suffered,but you know he’s in Heaven making god Laugh!!!’
By the way Craig (if memory serves) I remember your first writing assignment!!!! LOL!!!

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Beejay LaPierre Fri, 03 Apr 2015 02:55:26 +0000 I have long-ago, yet great memories of Doug, as well. I love it that he was true to himself and I appreciate his efforts to reach Mountain Top youth for Christ during that time. In ministry, he was a role-model to me, long before I had teens of my own.

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Opal DeLong Thu, 02 Apr 2015 03:43:56 +0000 Hi Craig,

My thought and prayers are with you and all the family and fiends.

What a beautiful tribute to Uncle Doug who was a great guy!! He’s up there with your dad and the rest of the family.

Love and God Bless you,

Opal (I John 4:4)

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Dan Steingraber Wed, 01 Apr 2015 10:59:54 +0000 I was lucky enough to meet your Uncle Doug through a Facebook page about bird dogs and fly fishing. I was almost immediately impressed with his willingness to offer his advice and even his time to even the most rank amateur with a dog training issue. This January Doug mentioned that a friend was coming down to Rasawek and if anyone else would like to come just let him know. I was instantly struck with a strong sense that I should go and without so much as checking my schedule or talking to my wife I let Doug know that I’d like to come. I had no idea that your uncle was battling stage 4 cancer. We made the necessary arrangements and I met Doug and his friend Don Keddy at Rasawek and learned of your uncles cancer and that Don had also had a tough go with cancer recently and that they became close during their mutual battles. It was a moving spiritual experience for me to spend the day with these fine men as they were spending one last day afield and I felt a deep and special bond. A few weeks ago Doug posted that he was hoping to find the right homes for his personal dogs and again, even though I had 3 dogs already I felt immediately compelled to take one of his dogs if he felt it was a good fit. He called and we discussed it and a few days later he sent me a message saying that he felt as though his time here was short and I should come for the dog. We had a wonderful visit at his kitchen table the night I got there and the next morning when we drove together to Rasawek to pick up Thicket (who is lying at my feet as I type this). You already know this but your uncle was a special man who it seems touched the life virtually every person he ever met in person or through social media. I know I’m a better man for our short time together and feel incredibly blessed, although somewhat unworthy to have a little piece of your Uncle Doug in this beautiful Setter at my feet.

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Betty George Wed, 01 Apr 2015 07:36:54 +0000 That wonderful gift of writing has certainly not ended with your Uncle Doug’s passing! You got it covered perfectly, Craig! Keep that adventure going! I loved your grandparents, Howard and Gladys, your uncles and aunts when they were kids, your mom and dad, and your song for your uncle and your beautiful words here have made my heartstrings pull you into that circle, even though I don’t know you personally. I hope to get to read more descriptions of your adventures. God bless you as you carry on the legacy!

Comment on Life is the Adventure by Lee Gangaware Wed, 01 Apr 2015 01:24:48 +0000 Beautiful writing! Read it to Polly and she smiled and had a tear.

Comment on A New Testament by Julie Burton Thu, 05 Feb 2015 04:00:25 +0000 I have to start off my comment first with spirit fingers and then a bow to the unrivaled Brandie Trent.
And about the above-mentioned unrivaled Harper Lee… I was happily stunned to hear of the discovery of Go Set a Watchman. I, too, am wondering if it could reach the level of To Kill a Mockingbird… Or possibly surpass it?… Is it possible…I, for one, am chomping at the bit to read it and find out.
