commercials | Relatively Random Mon, 08 Feb 2016 13:08:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 commercials | Relatively Random 32 32 Our Favorite Super Bowl 50 Commercials Mon, 08 Feb 2016 03:57:13 +0000 The Super Bowl is an American tradition fifty years strong this year, and we at Relatively Random anticipated this season’s pinnacle display like many...

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The Super Bowl is an American tradition fifty years strong this year, and we at Relatively Random anticipated this season’s pinnacle display like many other Americans. We love it for the athletic competition, the strategy, the entertainment, and… the commercials. This year, our favorite advertisements include…

The Bearded Writer’s Choice – Death Wish Coffee

After commercials for Marvel superheroes littered my screen for several hours, I was excited to see a new movie that had a less cartoonish feel. Ok, well maybe Vikings sailing gleefully to their afterlife in Valhalla is still a touch on the caricature side. Still, I was enthralled. And then I was even more excited. Caffeinated you might say. The Deathwish Coffee commercial was easily my favorite.  I may buy some, if for no other reason than the hope it may help my ginger beard reach epic lengths. Oh wait…Grandma always told me strong coffee would put hair on my chest…..beard dreams crushed.

The commercial is still funny.   Take a look. 

The Car Enthusiast’s Choice – Audi R8

So, I’ll admit it, I’m a car guy.  There are very few things that bring a smile to my face faster than the smell of a new car interior, the sound of a finely tuned exhaust, the feeling of being glued to my seat as a car launches from a dead stop to triple digits in a fraction of a minute.

Audi was able to bring that same smile to my face with their Super Bowl 50 television spot, and here are 209 reasons to love the new Audi R8 Commercial…

Reason 1… It takes us back to the awe and pride of the early adventures into outer space…

Reason 2… It reminds us that sometimes, all we need is a link to the past to wake us in the present…

Reason 3… It plants the seed that a car, not just any car, but a German built Supercar, with ten fire breathing cylinders packed directly behind the front seats, that comes to life with a push of a button, will fill us with the same exhilaration and excitement that only an astronaut experiences when a rocket takes off from the launch pad, destined for space…

Reason 4… …If the first three are not reason enough, it’s all placed to the soundtrack of David Bowie’s “Starman”…a fitting tribute to the music legend that left our planet far too soon.

Reasons 205-209… The Audi R8 will reach a top speed of 205 MPH….and Audi is not afraid to highlight that in a television commercial…

If you missed it, check it out here…

A Staff Favorite – Honda Ridgeline

How can ‘ewe’ not love a pasture full of barnyard animals singing Queen’s “Somebody to Love”.   That kind of thing may make some a bit sheepish, but you can’t pull the wool over our eyes, that was a great commercial.  Yeah, the new Honda Ridgeline looks like it has some nice features, but we think the sheep were the stars of this television spot.

Have a look for yourself…

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